No information is publicly available. Unlike some other babysitter sites, we do not display any information publicly. Sitter is a private network of your friends and babysitters. We are built completely on a foundation of privacy and trust.
For Parents:
Your name, phone number, photo, city, state, and email address are only available to the friends and sitters on your friends’ or sitters’ lists.
Your address is only available to sitters to whom you have sent a booking request and, in that case, it is only the address you specify for the booking.
The number of children you have is only shown to sitters in your sitter list.
For Babysitters:
Your name, photo, city, state, rates, and “About Me” introduction are only available to families you have on your client list and their friends.
Your phone number and email address are only available to families on your client list.
Your address and date of birth are not available to anyone.