Find babysitters in your neighborhood

Sitter lets you find babysitters in your network and in your neighborhood!

Sitters and parents in a neighborhood can connect and meet each other in a more private way than your standard listing service. Your profile is never public and no one has your contact information unless you accept an invitation to connect which means no spam or unsolicited inquiries in your mailbox!

How do we do it? We restrict the profiles based on an area you define. So, if you set your radius to be 1 mile then you will only see sitters within 1 mile of you who are looking for families within 1 mile of them. When you see a sitter you like, you can chat with them through in-app chat until you add the person to your sitter list.


How to Find Sitters Nearby

      1. In the main menu, tap “Find Sitters Near Me” or on the Add Sitters screen, tap “Find Sitters in my Local Area”.
      2. Next, you’ll enter your address. We won’t know what community to put you in if we don’t have your address. 🙂 We won’t share it with anyone.
      3. Set your radius. Sitter is used by parents across the country from tiny towns to big cities. You define how big your community is from 1 mile to 50 miles. You can always adjust later. Just keep in mind that smaller radiuses mean fewer sitters.
      4. Select the number of kids you have. You only want to find sitters who are comfortable watching the number of kids in your family.
      5. Enter the child(ren)’s information. We’ll ask you to enter gender and birthdate. This is optional but highly encouraged. We NEVER share this info with anyone. We use it to calculate the age group so you can find sitters with experience you need. For example, if your child is an infant, you want a sitter with infant experience. We ask for date of birth instead of just selecting an age group because as your child ages, you’ll have different needs. You don’t want to have to go back into your profile and change it.
      6. Select your qualification badges. What are you looking for in a sitter? Select badges so the sitter can easily see what you need. If you don’t know what a badge represents, just tap it!
      7. Enter a brief bio. Tell the sitter a little about yourself and how awesome your family is. For example:

        Hi! We live in South Boulder. We have two energetic but very sweet boys. We’re looking for a sitter who loves to play soccer and doesn’t mind throwing a football. We’re also looking for someone who is comfortable picking up our children from school on occasion.

      8. That’s it! When you’re done with your bio, you can see the sitters in your area.

Once You’re In

When your profile is complete, you can see sitters in your area.

  1. Tap a photo to see the sitter’s profile.
  2. If you like a sitter, introduce yourself! It will start an in-app chat. Go ahead and introduce yourself as you normally would in person. The sitter will get notified. You can ask questions via chat, get to know them, and even set up a time to meet before you add them to your trusted sitter list.
  3. If you really like them, add them to your list!
  4. The sitter can accept or decline the request.
  5. When they accept, you can book them!

FAQs about Finding Sitters in Your Neighborhood

Why do you require parents to have a profile?

Why do I have to use chat? Why can’t I just get their contact info?