Every now and then, we like to post about life from a kid’s perspective. In this post, Ben, our youngest co-founder here at Sitter, shares why he likes his babysitters.

(Here’s the post without the typos.)

I like sitters because they are friendly, nice, and playful.

Some like to go to the library.

Let me introduce my sitters to you: Rebecca, Emily, and Clara! These are my top 3 awesome babysitters.

I like the outdoors. If you like the outdoors, you are in luck because these 3 sitters like the outdoors.

I have worked hard to do this, so I hope you like this! Bye!


(Now, here’s the post with the typos, because it’s just so darn cute. Note how he can type “awesome” and “sitters” correctly, but not “bye”… we’ll be working on that.)

I like sitters because they are friendiy,nice,and playful.
some like to go to the libery.
let me intrdece the sitters to you.rubeku cliruu emily! thes are my top 3# awesome sitters.
I like the outdoors if you like the outdoors you are in luk because thes 3# sitters
like the outdoors.I have worked rethee hard to do this sow i hop you
like this! bie!